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Fella Makafui and Medikal were summoned by Nungua Stool over land documents  

Ghanaian musician, Madikal and his wife Fella Makafui who is also an actress have been summoned by the Nungua Stool concerning their land documents, which have lately been raised on social media.

The Gborbu Wulomo-Shitse, representing the Gadangme State office has delivered official invitations to both parties, demanding their attendance at the palace for a document verification process. Rev. Dr. Gyasi Ankrah, Director of Administration at the Office of the Gborbu Wulomo-Shitse, issued the summons.

The meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 24, 2024, at 11:00 am, with Fella Makafui and Medikal, also known as Samuel Adu Frimpong, instructed to bring their whole documentation for scrutiny.

The official statement reads: “The office of the Gborbu Wulomo-Shitse, Overlord of the Gadangme state on behalf of the Nungua stool is inviting you to the palace of the Gborbu Wulomo-Shitse concerning a land document cited on social media which bears your name. You are requested to appear without fail on Friday, 24th May 2024 at 11 am at the palace located at Gborbu Koonaa, Nungua with your full documents for verification. Please treat this letter with all the respect it deserves. Thank you.”

This change occurs within ongoing divorce records between the couple. Fella Makafui and Medikal, once celebrated as one of Ghana’s most dazzling pairs, are now directing a wild parting while still residing together.

Story by Obaapa Janee

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