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Cook-A-Thon: Ghana Chefs Association confers Executive Chef Position on Failatu

The Ghana Chefs Association has conferred Executive Chef Position on Failatu Abdul Razak as she continues with the Cook-A-Thon.
Ghana’s Failatu Abdul Razak started the Cook-A-Thon journey at the Modern City Hotel in Tamale, in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon, which has been set by Ugandan chef Dorcus Mirembe.
Speaking to the press at the Modern City Hotel, Chef Isaac expressed the Association’s strong support for their fellow chef, Failatu, who is tirelessly striving to break the Guinness World Cooking Record.
He emphasized that their presence aims to demonstrate solidarity, pay tribute to her efforts, and bestow upon her the title of Executive Chef in Ghana.
Chef Isaac underscored the significance of their initiative, noting that it serves as an inspiration for other chefs to pursue and achieve similar accolades, thereby enhancing the reputation of both the Association and Ghana.
Highlighting the Ghana Chefs Association’s affiliation with the World Chefs Society, he mentioned their active participation in global competitions to promote Ghana on an international culinary stage.
In recognition of Failatu’s outstanding achievement, the Association presented her with a citation bearing the president’s signature, conveying heartfelt congratulations. Additionally, a specially crafted apparel
“The Ghana Chefs Association wishes to congratulate and recognize your official attempt to break the World Guinness Record for cook-a-thon (the longest cooking marathon). The entire membership of the Association is solidly behind you in recognition of your outstanding achievement in promoting Ghana’s hospitality industry through the cook-a-thon. We confer to you the title ‘Executive Chef’, which is the highest rank in our profession. You are now an Executive Chef, Failatu Abdul Razak” the citation read.
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