Mrs Margret Opare, a renowned counsellor of many years experience and also known in the counseling fraternity as Maame Fosua is against premarital sex only if the people involve are not in love.
In the view of the respectable counsellor, SHS students can have sex if they are in love. And should be allowed to express their love in sex since love will make them responsible for the outcome of their act.
In the considered opinion of Maame Fosua the dangers associated with Valentine’s day is uncontrolled and harmful sex largely perpetuated by people who are not in love.
In her view when people are not in love, they ‘ use the ladies any how ‘ , many commit abortion and others are not honest about their HIV status.
However partners in love act more responsibly and the fear with early sex may not arise. She argued.
She used the example of how her SHS son introduced his girlfriend to her and how she helped them with advice which has nurtured that relationship into a marriage with two children.
Daniel Koranteng Kwagyiri || Ghana