
Whatsapp: the cause of Students failure in Mathematics, Professor Anku.

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Most stakeholders attribute fallen standards in education to the lack of technology use by most 21st century students. However a professor of Mathematics and President of the Ghana Mathematics society, Professor Sitsofe Anku, has said technology is exactly one of the major causes of students failure in mathematics.
He strongly asserted that available technology in new media, such as social media, especially Whatsapp seems to have consumed all of today’s  students time, concentration, and interest from studies.
In his estimation, students prefer ‘whatsapping’ to either paying attention to lecturers or studying. The results is the mass failures in our educational system especially in programs that involve Mathematics.
Speaking on Ahotor 92.3 fm’s ‘ Heroes of our Time ‘ on Wednesday 16th February 2017 anchored by the versatile Akyena Brantuo, he added that he is not against social media in particular  and technology in general. His concerns however springs from student indiscipline which causes to them to abuse technology instead of appropriately using it to enhance research and learning.
By: Daniel Koranteng Kwagyiri||Ghana

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