EOCO has assured that its outfit will review over 300 documents presented to it allegedly containing evidence of embezzlement to the sum of $1.2 billion.
The documents were presented by Captain Smart, Radio Show Host on Adom FM along with a charged crowd of protestors.
The protestors lead by Captain Smart embarked on a “Y3 GYI Y3 SIKA” demonstration to express their anger at the continuous existence of the corruption in the public sector.
Captain Smart decried the effects of the canker on the development of the country as he presented the documents to Officials of EOCO.
He emphasised that the protest was not going to be the end of the fight against corruption and hinted of other actions in coming months.
“Mothers are dying and fathers are running from homes, not because they are irresponsible but because some people have taken our money, the money that belongs to us. The money that could have been used to develop the country. I do not understand why every administration comes and borrows money before Ghana will be developed” he stated.
“Today, these documents contain embezzlement of over $1.2 billion. I am presenting these to you, the names are there. Please, reinvestigate, arrest and prosecute and take our monies for us.” he added
However, after a closed door session between organisers of the protest led by Captain Smart and Officials of EOCO, assurance was given that immediate will be taken.
Announcing the outcome of deliberations to the charged crowd outside the premise of EOCO, Captain Smart revealed that Officials of EOCO promised to review the over three hundred documents within a week.
They also hinted of immediate arrest and prosecution of any official found guilty of the allegations levelled.
“We have given them three months, I think that the three months will be enough. They are saying that they will do this in one week. One week is a good sign”
He was impressed by the willingness of the government to take action against any official found guilty.
He admitted plans of similar demonstration in Ashanti and Eastern Regions.
Source: ghanaweb