The current Security agreement deal signed by the Ghana and United state of America made it clear that the US military will be granting unrestricted access to a host of Ghanaian facilities and wide-ranging tax exemptions.
The agreement also spelt out that we will permit the U.S. Military to use Ghana as a base for staging and deploying forces.This has created a lot of heat and tension in the country.
Latest to add his voice to the discussion is Hon. Michael Ologo, the 2020 Aspiring parliamentary candidate for Yilo Krobo has said that “setting up a US military base in Ghana will undermine our national security”
The parliamentary hopeful made this submission during an interview with AHOTOR news at 12 and ahotoronline.com.
The calm, humble politician went further to stress however that, “the US creates a base in a foreign country purposely to enable it wage foreign wars, this isn’t good for Ghana at this time. we will be creating enemies for ourselves, and Ghana will become a target eventually”
“America is not our enemy and we must make sure that we do not become the enemy of the enemies of the United states”
“Parliament needs to take into consideration the serine security we are enjoying and make an appropriate decision on the matter, I believe the security of the country is paramount to us all “ he stated.