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We have been neglected by Government – Keta MP

The Director-General of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Mr. Eric Nana Agyemang Prempeh has indicated that a team from his outfit has been deployed to Ketu South Municipality to present relief items to residents rendered homeless by recent tidal waves.

According to him, the team began an assessment of the situation and although they may not have the exact number of persons affected, NADMO is ready to distribute the relief items.

Mr Prempeh said in terms of long term solutions, the construction and completion of the Keta sea defence project can bring an end to the plight of the people of Ketu South.

“So later on, when the assessment is ready and the number (of affected persons) is more than what we send there, we will add on. NADMO cannot implement or take any long term decision.”

“The only things that can be done to solve the situation, is to start and complete the second phase of the Keta sea defence project and when that is done, I think that will solve the problem. I must say it is not only keta, but Ghana has about 550 kilometres of coastline and tidal waves affect all of them.”

This comment comes after some residents of Keta Municipality were rendered homeless after tidal waves swept through their homes on Sunday dawn.

Communities such as Abutiakope, Kedzikope and Keta Central are largely affected to the extent that residents have nothing to salvage.

In Anloga, residents of Dzita, Agbledomi, Atiteti, Agokedzi, and Fuveme were also displaced by the fierce tidal waves that swept through the communities during the wee hours of Sunday.

Properties running into thousands of Ghana cedis have been destroyed.

This year’s waves have affected many households and individuals, displacing many residents and destroying fishing accoutrement, livestock, and other valuables.

Even though the ravages of tidal waves are not new to the Keta coastline, the damage this year has been enormous, disrupting major economic activities, affecting women, children and other vulnerable people in these communities.

The Keta Municipal Director of NADMO God-Knows Berbo says the organisation has distributed mattresses and other relief items to some 100 people at the community center with plans in place to reach many other victims.

Reacting to the incident, Member of Parliament fo Keta, Kwame Dzudzorli Gakpey said the government has neglected them which is shameful.

He called on the U.N and some individuals for help.

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