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Tragedy Strikes in Twifo: 14-Year-Old Boy Drowns After Defying Tradition and Boasting About Swimming Abilities

The community of Twifo Tofui is still reeling in shock and grief following the tragic drowning of 14-year-old Nana Asamoah, popularly known as “Yesu Papa”. The incident has raised concerns about the importance of respecting traditional taboos and the dangers of boastful behavior.

According to eyewitnesses, Nana Asamoah was a skilled swimmer, but his decision to defy tradition and swim in the river on a forbidden day proved fatal. His friends, who initially hesitated to join him, were left traumatized by the experience.

The uncle of the deceased, Mr. Kofi Obeng, expressed his devastation at the loss of his young nephew. “Nana Asamoah was a bright and promising young boy,” he said. “His death is a painful reminder of the importance of respecting our traditions and being mindful of our actions.”

The incident has also sparked a renewed focus on water safety and the need for young people to be aware of the dangers of swimming in rivers and other bodies of water.

As the community comes to terms with the loss of Nana Asamoah, they are also calling for greater awareness and education on the importance of respecting traditional taboos and being mindful of one’s actions.


Story by: Ohemaa Adusi-Poku

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