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Too Much Controversy Surrounds Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh’s Vice-Presidential Candidacy–Dr. Asante Otchre

Political maneuvering within the corridors of power at the presidency and among the factions supporting Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh has led to his candidacy as the Vice-Presidential candidate alongside Dr. Bawumia, a move viewed as both bizarre and unfortunate. This decision has sparked controversy, particularly considering Dr. Prempeh’s public image and his unguarded remarks on public issues.

Dr. Jonathan Asante Otchere, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Coast and political analyst, expressed these sentiments on Ahotor 92.3 FM’s “Adekyee Mu Nsem” morning show hosted by Alex Nana Dogbey in Accra. He criticized Dr. Prempeh, describing him as divisive and lacking grassroots appeal, which could affect the party’s ability to garner votes in the upcoming December polls alongside Dr. Bawumia.

Otchere further criticized the lack of consultation with the majority caucus in parliament regarding the choice of Vice-Presidential candidate, attributing the decision to powerful factions within the presidency and the Dr. Prempeh camp. He suggested that certain party members, including influential hawks, utilized state institutions such as the NIB to influence the decision-making process in favor of Dr. Prempeh, despite reservations within the party about his suitability for the role.

In a separate development, Andy Appiah-Kubi, the Member of Parliament for Asante Akim North and a prominent member of the New Patriotic Party, voiced his opposition to Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh’s nomination as the party’s running mate. While acknowledging Dr. Prempeh’s qualifications, Appiah-Kubi emphasized that Dr. Prempeh was not his preferred choice for the role.

Going forward, Appiah-Kubi highlighted the importance of parliamentary consultation in such decisions and suggested that a candidate more acceptable to parliamentarians should have been considered. He expressed the need for a running mate who could effectively campaign and connect with constituents, while also maintaining a strong relationship with both parliament and the executive.

Story By: AYM Kukah

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