Should homosexuality be legalized by government (as they claim it is bound to happen), handsome and scantily dressed men could be raped just as has been the reason why girls and women continue to be raped from time immemorial. That indeed, is my personal fear, knowing that God gifted me with a beautiful personality.
Should my fears ever be confirmed, it will be the first time I will perhaps, commit murder and hold grudge even in my grave, notwithstanding what my fate teaches.
It makes me all the more, appreciate the horrific experiences our girls go through, being victims of a routine rape program, perpetuated against them mostly by persons who owe them a duty of care, people they trusted, and in an environment which believes being raped depends more on the immoral appearance of the victim than a failed society that has allowed others to pursue their desires without limitations, even if it harms others perpetually.
We should finish resolving the consequences arising out of sexual indiscipline due to attraction from the opposite sex, before adding that of the same sex to it.
While teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, broken homes, streetism, etc have been a huge drain on our nation’s budget and a blight on our conscience, we should hasten slowly to add anal cancer, mutilation of the rectum, wrath of God, and completely trading our enviable culture and way of life for something only fools and morally bankrupt admire. Not even a promised political support from such powerful interest group should make our president sound indecisive about what can affect the destiny of over 25million population adversely, and worse, perpetually doomed our future generation.
Our fore fathers were careful to preserve our heritage, and we should be minded not to fail those coming after us.
The urgency with which our government seems to be prioritising this subject, at a time Ghana’s economy is collapsing and cost of living is becoming increasingly very expensive for even the gainfully employed, can either suggests a government with a sinister motive or one that is chronically incompetent (suggesting as if it came to power by mistake).
Instead, government should see homosexuality for what it is: abnormality. There is no debate about this, that it is not the normal order of life, scientifically, religiously and even culturally for a man to marry another man or female, another female and have sexual knowledge of them. Animals even understand this (not to penetrate the anus or behave as the opposite sex).
Thankfully, God has blessed this country with institutions and professionals who treat and possibly manage situations which deviate from the norm.
It is here that I sympathies with our homosexual relatives. Rather than give them a law to institutionalize their sickness, we should help them live normal lives.
Like any national concern, we should devote funds from the consolidated funds to research the causes of homosexuality, train experts to help them medically, coupled with counseling and public education.
My own research reveal that social factors account for 90% of why people become homosexuals than any medical reason.
Sociological speaking, man is a product mainly of social learning. Research has shown that through socialization, acculturation, education and the environment we live and grow, man is capable of becoming anything he so wishes, through the principle of learning and unlearning despite the traits of the genes that gave birth to them.
In the ever power Novel ‘Things Fall Apart’, we are told that the village wrestler and Hero, Okonkow, was birthed by Enoka, a failed and lazyman, who was a debtor and drunkard. Yet his son resolved to be different. And he was.
Factors such as poverty, infiltration of foreign culture, ignorance, poor self image, being denied appropriate love, peer pressure, excessive creativity during sex, abuse of children by the opposite sex (which gravitates them to seek love elsewhere when old) account for several cases of homosexuality than a possible medical causes such as hormonal imbalances, dual personality, identity crisis, and psychiatric problems . Even these can mostly be treated with medicine, counseling and education.
It is here that leadership is required. To seek a solution which will help our abnormal siblings, protect our culture and heritage, reduce drastically the cost in helping sexual victims, preserving our relationship with God, and leave posterity with a great example of how the Ghanaian ought to behave sexually.
Benjamin Akyena Brantuo
Broadcast Journalist and Director, BLC