“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18, NIV)
Salvation from the word Salvage, practically means rescue or save.
Salvage is the act of rescuing or saving for instance a ship and its content (cargo and personnel) from perishing or getting lost at sea. It is also the act of restoring hope and making a bad situation good.
Jesus Christ through death by Crucifixion and the Shedding of His Blood Salvaged mankind and restored us to our lost glory.
The Crucifixion which is a symbolic of his death, and His Blood also for our redemption both have a Once (one-time) and Continuous effect in our SALVATION PROCESS.
As it was, a life was sacrificed to save a life, Jesus died that we might live. Hence our Salvage was at a great cost to the Father, to let go his only begotten son, shamed and killed for our Salvation i.e. THE SALVAGE PRICE.
The Salvage Price which was paid once (one-time) is very symbolic to the Father and to us – the adopted sons (man n woman alike). To the Father, it is a constant reminder of our Value and the need to not let go or forsake us notwithstanding our shortfalls otherwise the whole investment would have been for nothing and more of a loss than a gain as it ought to have been. To the Saved or Salvaged Man, it is a constant reminder of the Father’s Love – because He so loved the world that He gave us His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. And again, He sent not his Son into the world to condemn it; but that the world through him might be saved. (John 3:16-17). HAPPY FATHER’S DAY IN ADVANCE (18th June) TO GOD.
The blood of Jesus Christ shed on the Cross of Calvary for our redemption has a Cleansing Effect on all who believes. It is a supernatural detergent able to clean both temporal and permanent stain sin leaves on our body and has detoxification properties which is able to free our body’s system of all poisonous effects of sin i.e. THE CONTINUOUS OR DAILY EFFECT.
So we are told that… “if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the BLOOD of JESUS, his Son, PURIFIES us from all sin. 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:7-9, NIV).
NB: “PURIFIES” is an Indefinite Present Tense, which is used when an action is happening right now or regularly. Hence the act of purification by the blood of Jesus is continuously, daily, recurring or unceasingly atoning for our sins. – a Cleansing Sacrifice made 2000 plus years ago and yet is like ever fresh and always like today. So we are warned against going down this path again after being saved and sharing in the power of his death & resurrection and of the Holy Ghost, in Hebrews 6:4-6. So though it happens it is not recommended, otherwise we give room to sin. Nonetheless, it’s the only route back into the sheep fold should we fall off the shepherd’s radial and get exposed to sin. – so fact is that… THE BLOOD OF JESUS was, is and continuous to be our second chance to successfully completing the Salvation Process at any point in time.
As Christians our Salvation Process cannot be perfected if the Father sees no value in us and if we fail to acknowledge this great Love. The entire process even goes to waste if sin finds its way into our lives and we accommodate it. Dealing effectively with sin is to first plead the blood for forgiveness and secondly committing to a sin free life (i.e. heeding to the warning in Hebrews 6) .
Finally, the role or significance of the Cross and Jesus’ Blood should not be taken lightly or for granted in our walk with Him lest we risk our own relevance and final gain in this whole devine Salvage Exercise or Salvation Process.
May God enlighten us more into the deep wisdom and riches of His Word even as we continue to digest – AMEN.
By: Enoch Akyena Brantuo