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“The current NPP is too dirty to either ignore or entertain” – Ivan Kyei Innocent

**Accra, Ghana** – In a fiery Facebook post, youth activist and political commentator Ivan Kyei Innocent has sharply criticized the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) presidential ticket ahead of this year’s election. Innocent described the current state of the NPP as “too dirty to either ignore or entertain.”

Innocent expressed his strong disapproval of the presidential ticket, labeling it “the most terrible” in the nation’s political history. His criticism was particularly directed at Mathew Opkoku Prempeh known widely as “Napo.” Ivan characterized him as “one of the few most arrogant, disrespectful, and disgusting guys in our politics,” asserting that no serious group or individual would consider him fit for the presidential position.

As the election approaches, Innocent’s remarks contribute to the heated political discourse and reflect the strong sentiments among critics of the NPP’s current leadership. His comments have sparked significant discussion and debate on social media, highlighting the deep divisions and intense scrutiny surrounding the upcoming election.

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Innocent’s condemnation extended to the entire NPP, which he claimed had lost all sense of decency. He invoked the popular saying, “He who the gods want to kill, they first make mad,” suggesting that the NPP’s current direction is a sign of impending downfall. His post concluded with a reiteration of his belief that the NPP has become “too dirty to be entertained.”

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Ivan Kyei Innocent | Administrator |

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