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Tax Analyst call for review of Tax Amendment Act

Tax Analyst, Francis Timore Boi is calling for review of the implementation date for the seven tax amendments signed into law by President Akufo -Addo from January 2024.

According to him, some aspects of the Tax laws has challenges which have to be relooked at, in other to see smooth implementation of the policy.

He calls for more collaborative between the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and businesses to achieve the revenue targets.

Meanwhile, the GRA has commenced implementation for the seven tax amendments that were passed by parliament and signed into law by President Akufo -Addo.

In a circular issues by GRA, the authority said, it will also develop administrative guidelines and publish notice on the implementation of the amendments where necessary.

The authority has also indicated that the payroll deductions for January 2024 “should reflect the new rates provided in the Income Tax (Amendment)”.

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