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Speaker Bagbin Warns of Public Revolt if Partisan Politics Continues to Undermine Ghana’s Democracy

During a keynote address at the University of Ghana (UG) Alumni Lecture, themed “30 Years of Parliamentary Democracy: The Journey Thus Far,” Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Bagbin, voiced his concerns over what he described as excessive partisanship among members of parliament. He warned that if this trend continues unchecked, it could lead to public discontent and potentially spark a revolt against the parliamentary system.

Speaker Bagbin highlighted that partisanship, though an inherent part of democratic governance, has escalated to dangerous levels within the current parliament.

Instead of focusing on national interest and the well-being of their constituents, many lawmakers, according to him, seem to prioritize party agenda.

This, he stressed, compromises the spirit of democracy, which thrives on constructive debate, compromise, and the pursuit of the common good.

He expressed worry that the rising levels of polarization are not only undermining the effectiveness of parliamentary deliberations but are also eroding public trust in the institution.

“When the people begin to feel that their voices are no longer being heard, and that their representatives are merely following party lines without considering their needs, there is a real danger of them seeking alternative means to express their frustrations,” he warned.

Speaker Bagbin called for immediate reforms and urged members of parliament to rise above party loyalty and place the nation’s interest at the forefront of their duties.

He underscored the importance of collaboration, respect for diverse opinions, and the need to engage in dialogue that benefits the people of Ghana.

In reflecting on the three decades of Ghana’s parliamentary democracy, he lauded the progress made but insisted that the future of the country’s democracy depends on reducing the levels of partisanship that threaten to divide both parliament and the nation at large.

His speech served as a powerful reminder of the delicate balance between party politics and national service in a democratic society.


Story by: Osei Akoto (Teacher Kojo)

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