An Elder of the Sakumono branch of the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC-Sakumono), Hon. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, has called on Christians to be ambassadors of Christ in their generation. He said it is very important for Christians to reflect Christ just as ambassadors represent their countries in other nations.
Hon. Ofosu Ampofo, an astute politician, was delivering the sermon last Sunday, April 10, 2017, at PIWC-Sakumono under the theme: “Being an Ambassador of Christ in my Generation,” 2 Corinthians 5:20-21.
He described an ambassador as a respected official acting as a representative of a nation who has an authority to represent his country in a foreign land. “A Christian Ambassador should be flying the flag of righteousness; your letter of credence is the gospel of Christ since Christ sent us to preach the gospel,” he said, adding: “The Ambassador lives above reproach, and you must be approved by God as stated in 1 Corinthians 2:4.
“As Ambassadors, we represent the Kingdom and preach about the Kingdom wherever we go. We are also called to be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves in John 17:16.” Elder Ofosu Ampofo also said Christians with the desire to live as ambassadors must allow themselves to be moulded into the image of Christ.
He said just as diplomats go through the rigorous training in the ethics of diplomacy, so must Christ Ambassadors do. “We should try to be transformed and conform to the image of God. Transformation is the process while conformity is the finished product of becoming and behaving like Christ.
We must conform to the likeness of Christ,” he explained. He stated that Christ’s Ambassadors can only conform to Christ by studying the character of Jesus. “We should love righteousness and hate sin because Christ loves fairness and justice.
As an ambassador of Christ you must do the will of God, know the will of God and be a prayerful person,” he stressed. Hon. Ofosu Ampofo also asked Christians to remain focused in Christ just as Elisha remained focused when he wanted a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.
“The more you focus on Christ, the more the Christ-like character you imbibe,” he stated. He urged young people in the church to rely on God since he is the only source of hope for the believer, saying, “I am where I am today because of Christ.” The sermon was followed by a powerful prayer session led by the Presiding Elder, Michael Ofosu Ampadu.
Source : thecophq.org