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RTU Captain questions officials for failing to verify the players’ identities

Real Tamale United (RTU) captain, Baba Kushibo, has revealed that the team’s registered players did not travel to Dawu for their match against Dreams FC.

According to Kushibo, reports suggest that the players who represented RTU in the game were not the official registered players but were instead impersonators wearing the registered players’ jerseys.

Kushibo criticized the officials for failing to verify the players’ identities before allowing the match to proceed. He emphasized that there are systems in place to inspect players before a game, and these should have been utilized.

Additionally, Baba Kushibo disclosed that the players have not been paid for several months. As a result, the team collectively decided not to participate in the match until their salaries and bonuses were paid.

Story by: Salifu Zakari Zeba

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