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Reverend Opuni-Frimpong urged the government to act on the recommendations made following the violence during the 2020 elections.

Former General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana, Reverend Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong’s concerns over electoral violence reflect a broader worry about the stability of Ghana’s democratic process.

He points out that successive governments have failed to adequately address the violence associated with elections, with the 2020 polls resulting in eight deaths and many injuries.

In his interview with the media monitored by Onokwafo Yaw Asiedu, he emphasizes that leaders should be more concerned with the bloodshed that has historically accompanied elections in the country.

He urges the government and the Ghana Police Service to pursue justice for the victims of the 2020 violence, calling for investigations, prosecutions, and possible compensation for the victims’ families.

Furthermore, Reverend Opuni-Frimpong appeals to political parties, especially the NPP and NDC, to take responsibility for curbing inflammatory rhetoric within their ranks.

He advocates for mature leadership and behind-the-scenes efforts to heal internal divisions and prevent further incitement of violence.

His message is a call for national reflection and a commitment to ensuring peaceful elections, especially as Ghana approaches the 2024 polls.

Story by: Onokwafo Yaw Asiedu/Ahotoronline.com


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