General NewsNews

Residents cry over deplorable bridge linking communities to Pokuase

Residents living around Teacher-Korpe, Abensu and Pokuase, are asking authorities to as a matter of urgency, reconstruct the only bridge that links the enclave to other communities to prevent needless deaths and injuries.

The bridge constructed years ago got damaged some years ago and has since not seen any reconstruction.

Some frustrated residents said the situation poses danger to both children and adults especially when it rains.

‘’We have complained several times about this bridge. When it rains, our lives become more miserable because we can’t go to work. We have to stay home for weeks. Our children also use this bridge to school every morning. It is really frustrating us. So we call on the government to do something about it. The deaths and drowning are becoming too much” a resident lamented.

The troubling aspect is that children have had to on daily basis ply this route to school, and any wrong step endangers their lives since the wooden bridge is constructed over a stream.

According to residents, about 10 people have lost their lives after falling from the bridge and drowning.

In recent times, some persons while trying to cross the bridge lost their lives when they fell from the bridge and drowned in the stream beneath. Most recently, 3 siblings who were crossing the bridge fell off and were caught in the flowing stream.

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