The Nima police station has been robbed by thieves, making away with laptops, printers, television sets including some personnel’s uniforms.
This is not the first time a police station has been broken into, bringing into disrepute the competence of the Police to ensure their own security, let alone the citizens.

According to the Executive Director of the Institute of Liberty and Policy Innovation ( ILAPI), Peter Bismark Kwoffie in an interview with Ahotor 89.3 fm news, raised concerns over the recruitment process, which could give access to criminals infiltrating the Police Service.
This phenomenon, according to Mr Kwoffie brings into question the ability of the police to fight against criminals who may be giving information to criminals.
Mr Kwoffie hinted that the level of police training, Mr Kwoffie said is woefully inadequate in fighting against mording crime which is now confiscated.
No arrests have been made yet.
Godfred Sey/Ahotoronline.com