General News


The Rastafari Women’s Commission does not believe in homosexuality, because it’s not “prolife”. If the Most High of Creation made us a certain way, to reproduce, to continue life, then
that is exactly the way it should be. The Commission is not aligned in any way to any
homosexual group in Ghana or outside Ghana. We believe in generations and not Gay Rights.
We have been following the debate in Parliament and on social media on the proposed antigay rights bill and we support the criminalization of same-sex relations a hundred and one per
cent! We add our voice to that of the anti-gay rights groups in and outside Ghana by stating
emphatically that we do not promote nastiness.
Homosexuality which includes lesbianism in Ghana was criminalized in the 1860s. During this
time, Ghana was a British colony. The Offences against the Person Act of 1861, a British law
which criminalized sodomy, was implemented in all British colonies. Section 104 of the
Ghanaian Criminal Code of 1960 criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual acts between males.
Under Section 104(1)(b), “unnatural carnal knowledge” with consent is considered a
misdemeanor. Ghana does not recognize same-sex marriage or same-sex civil unions be it
between males or females.
In Ghana, a single woman may be able to adopt a child if that person is a citizen of Ghana.
However, same-sex couples are not allowed to adopt children.
We stand for purification of humanity and the upliftment of the African family. We promote
self-awareness and self-control. We think it is alien to our culture as African people and also
against the Biblical principles of the Old Testament book of Leviticus which says in Chapter 18
verse 22 that “Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination”.
We the Rastafari Women’s Commission believe homosexuality aka LGBTQ++ is a product of
Babylon and must not find its place in Zion. We think that, this is necessary in protecting our
Ghanaian value systems and principles as a people and in safeguarding the lives of the
generations yet unborn. In short, we CHANT DOWN same-sex relations and LGBTQ++ rights!
In HIM and HRM
Love & Light
The RCG Women’s Commissioner
Mobile: +233272239755

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