According to the leader and founder of glorious wave Church international, most renowned pastors will “kick the bucket” this year 2017. He said this in an interview with the host of “Ewiase Mu Nsem” Onantefour Addae Munumkum on Ahotor 92.3 that most of our pastors will be faced with disgrace and death.
According to him, most pastors will die as a result of some rituals they have performed in quest for wealth and power. “ If God does not raise you up do not force yourself to get there by wasting your time and clinging up with dubious deeds otherwise it will stop God’s blessing and protection and rather bring curse upon you and your generations”. He asserts.
He further stated how most of the servant of God in the Bible like Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and the others sacrificed themselves to service of humanity and of God but entirely different from what our men of God are doing nowadays, they are hungry for fame and riches
By: Martha Narh Odikro/ahotoronline.com