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Police investigate another alleged kidnapping in Takoradi

Police in Takoradi say they have launched an investigation into an alleged kidnapping of one Stephanie Kumiwaa in Mpohor in the Western Region.

In a press release, the Head of the Public Affairs unit at the Western Regional Police Command, DSP Olivia Adiku stated that the case was brought to their attention after a media publication.

She noted that the checks at Mpohor Police District Command indicated that no such case had been reported.

However, “based on the publication the Police arrested the alleged boyfriend of the victim, Stephen Kumi 33 years and Paa Kwesi Simpson of Connect FM Takoradi who published the story to assist the Police in investigations,” she stated.

DSP Adiku revealed the alleged boyfriend Stephen during interrogation informed the police that on October 17, 2021, Stephanie called to inform him that she was visiting him but did not show up.

But on October 19, 2021, he received a call from a friend of Stephanie that someone called on Stephanie’s phone number claiming that she had been kidnapped and the suspected kidnappers demanded a ransom of GH¢ 2,000, the Police noted.

“Police escorted suspect Stephen Kumi to Mpohor and all efforts to locate the residence, family relations of Stephanie and Sandra for confirmation of the alleged incident proved futile.”

The suspect has since been placed into police custody assisting in investigations. Meanwhile, Paa Kwesi Simpson is on Police enquiry bail

“The Western Regional Police Command want to use this opportunity to remind the media that they should crosscheck all information from the Command for confirmation before publications are done. The Police will continue to collaborate with them to combat crime in the Region,” she added.

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