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Pius Enam Hadzide Promises 2026 World Cup Experience to Asuogyaman Constituents

The parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party in the Asuogyaman Constituency, Pius Enam Hadzide has made a unique campaign promise of taking all the youth to America if elected .

During a recent rally, he pledged to take selected constituents to the United States to watch the 2026 FIFA World Cup if they vote for him in the upcoming elections.

Pius Enam Hadzide’s further explained that he was able to send some youth to Australia which is far from America when he was the deputy minister for youth and sports but pledges to send more of the constituents to watch the 2026 world cup if they vote for him as their MP.

The 2026 FIFA World Cup, set to take place in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, will be one of the largest global sporting events.

The then Deputy Minister for Youth and Sports, Pius Enam Hadzide was accused of sending some Ghanaians who claim to be journalists to take coverage for Team Ghana at the games being held at Gold Coast in Australia, as they were issued visas as journalists from various media houses in Ghana.

But the Australian authorities were not convinced by their reasons for travelling to the country because although they claimed to be journalists and had genuine visas, many of them did not carry the recommended equipment for the coverage of such a sporting event.

Listen to the audio of Pius Hadzide :

Story by : George Opoku Boateng . . Ahotor FM . X-Prekese GH

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