Drug abuse is becoming a serious problem. The course of the alarming rate of the abuse especially among the youth can be traced to the high unemployment among the youth, the frustration of highly qualified students not having access for further education and the general economic situation in the country.
According to reports, marijuana has been identified as the major drug of abuse among the youth in Ghana. The age of incidence of abuse of marijuana is relatively low, from; 10 -12 years and experimentation has been found to be the main reason for the start of the abuse.
The Head of Education, Greater Accra Regional Office, and Narcotics Control Commission Abdul Aziz Ali disclosed this on Adekyee Mu Nsem morning show on Ahotor 92.3 FM in Accra.
Speaking to the issue on Drug Abuse and Parenting, he identifies the four main parenting styles such as, permissive, authoritative, neglectful and authoritarian. This he said parent’s job is to prepare their children to be adults who are capable of taking care of themselves and overcoming difficulties and issues has to do with drugs.
He is of the view that, it’s not an easy task. However, parents have to set appropriate limits, watch their children in all child development process and let them feel the consequences of their actions. And in the process correct them and teach them the right way to go.
He reiterated that early childhood education, care and proper engagement by parents may help to observe certain signs or behaviour by a parent that indicates substance misuse among children.
Speaking to alcohol and other drugs, Aziz noted that, alcohol and other drugs are psychoactive substances that have a physiological and psychological effect when ingested into the body. They act on the central nervous system and change the way a person thinks, feels and behaves.
This he call on the parents to pay particular attention to their children to know; who are their friends in school and after school. He went further to called on the teachers and school authorities to assist in child up bring to guide the children to desist from earl drug abuse.
He is of the view that, there are several factors that increase the risk of child abuse and neglect; this can be if parents are misusing substances, such as being heavily intoxicated or under the influence of substances, it can affect their ability to care for a child.
In another development, there is no checklist to tell if a parent is misusing substances, it is important to monitor the impact on children, if you are using drugs or taking alcohol before children.
Parental substance misuse is often an indication that a family may be experiencing other issues, such as poor mental or physical health, domestic and family violence, and poverty.
AYM Kukah: E:mail:kukahalexander7@gmail.com