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Raabi Kohain Halevi, Executive Director Of Panafest, is urging Rastafari in Ghana to properly organize their constituency in order to get political relevance. He said this in his keynote address at the 7th National Rastafari Conferene, held at Manna Heights in Mankesim on the 5th of March 2022.

He advised that Rastafari, who are respected for their religious love for Africa and who want to see the right things done in society must involve themselves in acquiring political power, and actively help build the nation they envisage.

“What music is most challenging to the system?, what’s the meaning of chant down Babylon?”, Raabi Halevi quizzed participants in an effort to point out that, the activities and declarations of Rastafari make them one of the most politically conscious members of the African family. He implored young Rastafari to dispel the notion that politics is in itself dirty.

The actors make it dirty, so we must organize and get involved so that we can take out the “mess”, by providing that selfless leadership which Rastafari people seek, he added.

Ahuma Bosco Ocansey, President of the Council, in his address reiterated the stance of the Council about exploring the cannabis economy to propel Ghana beyond aid. He requested members of the community to take a deep reflection about the COVID-19 vaccine before making any steps towards taking it.

Speaking about the future of the Council and the Rastafari community, Ras Ocansey charged the youths to take up responsibilities in the organization and contribute their quota to the development of the community and the nation at large.

The RCG each year holds a conference of a national scope to deliberate on their developmental issues. The theme for this year was “Rastafari and Politics; Opportunities for Rastafari in Ghanaian Politics”. Pre-conference activities included a visit to the Elmina Castle and Nyabhinghi chanting.

Some resolutions of the conference comprise: increasing P/R activities to increase membership, holding numerous politically oriented seminars amongst others.

Story by Enoch Sena Dogbe.

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