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NDC STATION encourages Ghanaians to vote for John Mahama.

A youth group in the National Democratic Congress is calling on the Ghanaians to vote for the NDC and John Mahama as we heard towards the 2024 general elections.

in a press release by the chairman of the group, Smith Boahene stated the many reasons why Ghanaians should consider bringing John Mahama and the NDC back to the Flagstaff House to continue the good works for the betterment of the country and its citizens.

Read from the release

NDC Station
025.798.0428 059.709.3845
Motto: Bringing NDC to your doorstep

Press release

For immediate release


Accra, Ghana 26th August 2024

  1. For decades,tax burden distribution and redistribution in governance is center in policy making. Taxation must encompass a source of revenue to governments but must also improve the social insurance of the poorest in society. The flexibility and stability of a tax system ensure economic growth and high living standard. The Nana Addo and Dr Bawumia led administration have demonstrated complete ineptness in handling this sensitive instrument resulting in high and unbearable cost of living with needles taxes such as COVID-19 levy, 10% gaming/betting tax, the electronic levy, 5% financial sector recovery tax etc only worsening the plight of the less privilege in the Ghanaian society.
  2. Dr Bawumia’s proposed flat rate income tax policy is a regressive approach to the already fragile economic conditions of the ordinary Ghanaian. Flat rate income taxation does not encourage social justice and increase tax burden on the bottom decile. Ghana’s economic situation implies a much greater income inequalities as such tax systems must be cautious not to burden the low income earners which is exactly what the flat rate income tax signifies. Thus real rate taxation of flat rate income tax on low income earners is higher on average compare to progressive taxation. A flat rate tax might be administratively cheap to implement but it always comes with expensive consequences to the lives of the people.
  3. NDC Station assert that, a thoughtful tax system should maximize social welfare function amidst equality in resources distribution, as the trade-off between equity and efficiency posit that high income earners should have rising marginal tax rate on earnings while low income earners and families should be subsidized. A good tax system is an automatic economic stabilizer of resource distribution of high and low earners where consumption is maximize because there is equal and fair distribution of tax rate.
  4. On a similar tragectory of policy exploitations and reckless implementation devoid of adequate stakeholder engagement and review, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and Nana Addo, led the disastrous implementation of free SHS policy and school feeding program making an experiment of Ghanaian educational system. The pathetic meals served in schools, delay even in releasing these food items. The limited contact hours of teaching, the double-track system are all avoidable hurdles had the NPP government done a proper review of the policy. The result is the budget constraint of increase government expenditure and infrastructural deficit that has plaque quality education of future generations
  5. It baffles NDC Station and Ghanaians as highly touted by NPP and Dr Bawumia himself as the economic “messiah” we find it difficult to fathom his appreciation of a flat rate income taxation regime as compare to a progressive taxation policy since the former only increases income inequalities and will only exploit low and middle income earning Ghanaians resulting in low level of aggregate demand, low investment in human capital, low labor productivity which will significantly impact our already failing economy under him and Akufo Addo’s leadership.
  6. With the level of hardship and economic distress that Ghanaians are faced with as food and non food inflation at it peak of 57.1%, dollar at GHC 16, a liter of fuel now GHC 16 and perhaps more threatening is unemployment rate at 14.7 %, our hardship cannot be overemphasized and threatens the fabric of our democracy under this insensitive Nana Addo and Bawumia administration, it is trite that the economic foundation of Ghana needs resetting and rescue with steady hands from this abyss of chaos and corruption. Ghana must elect President Mahama come December 7 who will prioritize economic inclusion, productivity, job creation and prosperity over exploitative and spontaneous policies of Dr Mahamudu Bawumia weakening the fiscal framework of Ghana’s economy.
  7. By contrast, NDC STATION posits that, Ghana’s economic drive in 2025 should be production centered other than taxation promoting import substitution and creating jobs . A sleepless economy of 3 shift of 8 hours will increase income and production where work defines productivity and inflation improve purchasing power as industrialization rises in prosperity of the Ghanaian people underpin the 24 hour economic policy.
  8. NDC Station is telling Ghanaians the policy underscore tax incentives, cheaper electricity under the time-of-use tarrif system to reduce operational cost. Agro-businesses, production and manufacturing companies will get financial support from the Mahama led government to increase capacity. The collaboration between public and private security agency will provide extra security to participating businesses and increase security personnels into these agencies. The interdependency of the benefits of this policy makes it a game changer indeed. The policy is estimated to create 1 million of direct and indirect jobs. It’s simple, easy and flexible.
  9. NDC Station is admonishing Ghanaians the December 7 polls is a vote to restore good governance and reset the believe and trust in our failing economy in order to build the Ghana we want with vision and experience hands. NDC Station urge Ghanaians to vote for President John Mahama.


For further enquires, please contact:

NDC Station Chairman
Mr Smith Boahene
Phone: +23325.798.0428


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