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NDC: Our voter registration target is superior to EC’s 623,000

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has declared that their target for the current limited voter registration exercise exceeds that of the Electoral Commission (EC).

On May 7, the EC expressed confidence in surpassing its target of registering 623,000 new voters in the limited voter registration exercise.

However, the NDC has stated that it anticipates registering between 700,000 and 800,000 voters.

In an interview with with the media in Accra Dr Rashid Tanko-Computer, the NDC Deputy Director of Elections and IT, suggested that the party’s projections consistently outpace that of the commission.

“…We think that the 623,000 that they are taking was just on a lower side because looking at what happened in 2023 at least we are looking at the region from 700 to 800, 000 to be captured…It appears our projection is always superior to what they project.”

“So when they said that they were looking at 623, 000 we laughed at IPAC and said that these guys don’t know what they are talking about. Because if you look at the numbers from 2021 up till 2023 they didn’t do any registration,” he stated.

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