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NDC Insight reminds Ghanaians of the recent scandals of this government.

About NDC Insight:NDC Insight is a youth project promoting transparency and accountability in the democratic process in Ghana.

NDC Insight
Email: ndcinsight@gmail.com

Dr Anthony Sorkpah
Ph: 059.709.3845
Motto: “Connecting Policy & People “


Title: Upholding Good Governance and Combating Corruption: A Closer Look at the Recent Scandals of the NPP Government

Accra, Ghana

The issue of corruption has long plagued the nation of Ghana, casting a shadow on its governance and hindering progress. The recent scandals involving the Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia regime have reached unprecedented levels never before seen in the history of the country.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Insight has aptly coined the term “one day, one scandal” to describe the alarming frequency of corruption cases emerging from the current government. Most notably, revelations have surfaced regarding the mishandling of funds related to the 13th African Games, shedding light on the questionable actions of key government officials.

It has come to the attention of NDC Insight that a staggering amount of 3.6 million dollars allocated for the 13th African Games has been unaccounted for, with conflicting reports from the Ministry of Sports and the GCB Director General. While the GCB claims to have received only $100,000, investigations by NDC Insight indicate a significant discrepancy in the reported figures.

Furthermore, it has been uncovered that the NPP government overspent a whopping 460 million cedis on the event, far exceeding the approved budget of 102 million cedis by Parliament. This gross mismanagement of funds not only raises serious concerns about financial accountability but also highlights the deep-rooted corruption within the NPP party and its ministers.

As a nation that aspires for transparency, accountability, and good governance, it is imperative that such acts of corruption are addressed swiftly and decisively. The people of Ghana deserve leaders who prioritize the well-being of the country over personal gain and who uphold the principles of integrity and ethical conduct.

The recent scandals involving the NPP government serve as a stark reminder of the urgent need for stronger measures to combat corruption and ensure that public resources are used for the benefit of all Ghanaians. The time for accountability is now, and the call for good governance must not go unheeded.

The revelations of corruption within the NPP government continue to mount, painting a grim picture of the mismanagement of state funds and resources. In a recent development, it has been discovered that a staggering 160 million cedis was withdrawn from state funds shortly after the closing ceremony of the 13th African Games in March. When this amount is added to the previously reported overspending of 460 million cedis, the total sum reaches an alarming 620 million cedis.

The misuse and misappropriation of such vast sums of money raise serious concerns about the priorities and integrity of the Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia government. While critical institutions like the Korle Bu Hospital are in dire need of financial support to save lives, the government’s reckless handling of state funds has left much to be desired.

Reports indicate that just 2 million cedis could have made a significant impact on healthcare services at Korle Bu Hospital, yet the government’s focus appears to be elsewhere, squandering millions on extravagant expenses such as a reported 15 million dollars on food and over 4.5 million dollars on accreditation costs. The sheer magnitude of these scandals is staggering, and the citizens of Ghana are left questioning the motives and priorities of their elected officials.

Contrastingly, the previous NDC and Mahama administration have left a legacy of responsible financial management, with documented evidence of leaving behind substantial funds for the country’s development. It is reported that the NDC administration left 270 million dollars in the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund (GIIF) account, a fact that the current NPP government has conveniently neglected to acknowledge.

The stark disparity between the prudent financial practices of the past administration and the rampant corruption and wasteful spending under the current government underscores the urgent need for accountability, transparency, and ethical leadership in Ghana’s governance. The people of Ghana deserve better, and it is incumbent upon those in power to uphold the trust placed in them by the citizens and work towards the advancement and prosperity of the nation.

The financial legacy left behind by the previous administration under President Mahama stands in stark contrast to the current state of affairs under the NPP government led by Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia. Reports indicate that President Mahama left a substantial amount of 500 million dollars in the sinking fund, specifically earmarked for emergencies such as ensuring the timely payment of workers’ salaries. Additionally, a stabilization fund of 300 million dollars was also left by the visionary leader for economic stability and contingencies.

When combined with other funds responsibly managed and left by the Mahama administration, it is estimated that a total of 1 billion 70 thousand dollars were bequeathed to the NPP party upon assuming office. However, the whereabouts and management of these funds have raised serious questions and concerns among NDC Insight and the Ghanaian populace.

Moreover, data from the Bank of Ghana reveals a startling trend in borrowing practices by the NPP government in recent years. While all past administrations collectively borrowed a total of 122 billion cedis from 1957 to 2016, the NPP government from 2017 to 2024 has accumulated a staggering debt of 750 billion cedis. This exponential increase in borrowing under the current administration has left many wondering about the prudent utilization of these borrowed funds.

The pressing question on the minds of NDC Insight and concerned Ghanaians is: where have all these borrowed funds gone? With such vast resources at their disposal, the NPP government is expected to show tangible results and investments that benefit the nation as a whole. However, the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the management of these funds has only fueled suspicions of corruption and financial mismanagement.

The contrast between the achievements of the Mahama administration with far less financial resources and the current state of affairs under the NPP government underscores the need for a thorough investigation into the handling of public funds and resources. The people of Ghana deserve leaders who prioritize the welfare and development of the country above all else and who demonstrate integrity and accountability in their governance.

The financial legacy left behind by the previous administration under President Mahama stands in stark contrast to the current state of affairs under the NPP government led by Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia. Reports indicate that President Mahama left a substantial amount of 500 million dollars in the sinking fund, specifically earmarked for emergencies such as ensuring the timely payment of workers’ salaries. Additionally, a stabilization fund of 300 million dollars was also left by the visionary leader for economic stability and contingencies.

When combined with other funds responsibly managed and left by the Mahama administration, it is estimated that a total of 1 billion 70 thousand dollars were bequeathed to the NPP party upon assuming office. However, the whereabouts and management of these funds have raised serious questions and concerns among NDC Insight and the Ghanaian populace.

Moreover, data from the Bank of Ghana reveals a startling trend in borrowing practices by the NPP government in recent years. While all past administrations collectively borrowed a total of 122 billion cedis from 1957 to 2016, the NPP government from 2017 to 2024 has accumulated a staggering debt of 750 billion cedis. This exponential increase in borrowing under the current administration has left many wondering about the prudent utilization of these borrowed funds.

The pressing question on the minds of NDC Insight and concerned Ghanaians is: where have all these borrowed funds gone? With such vast resources at their disposal, the NPP government is expected to show tangible results and investments that benefit the nation as a whole. However, the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding the management of these funds has only fueled suspicions of corruption and financial mismanagement.

The contrast between the achievements of the Mahama administration with far less financial resources and the current state of affairs under the NPP government underscores the need for a thorough investigation into the handling of public funds and resources. The people of Ghana deserve leaders who prioritize the welfare and development of the country above all else and who demonstrate integrity and accountability in their governance.

In light of the alarming revelations surrounding the financial mismanagement and corruption under the NPP government, NDC Insight is calling on all Ghanaians to consider the clear contrast and vote for His Excellency John Dramani Mahama in the upcoming elections. President Mahama has demonstrated a strong commitment to good governance and accountability and is determined to launch an operation to recover all lost funds and assets from the first day in office to ensure they are put to use for state development.

The pervasive corruption within the NPP government has been identified as a significant impediment to the progress and development of Ghana over the past seven and a half years. NDC Insight asserts that the root cause of the country’s stagnation lies in the unchecked corruption and mismanagement of public resources by the current administration.

NDC Insight has raised concerns over several questionable financial dealings, including the case of an individual named Carry Samis in the USA allegedly holding 6 billion dollars in the name of the national cathedral project. Despite the failure to raise the necessary funds for the cathedral, the NPP government has been unable to recover the money from Samis, leaving the country at a loss.

Additionally, the reported payment of 2 million dollars to individuals claiming to be experts in sky trains from South Africa has raised eyebrows, as the promised sky trains have yet to materialize. The lack of accountability and transparency in such transactions reflects poorly on the NPP government, as Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia have failed to pursue the recovery of these funds.

Furthermore, the case of the Pwalugu Dam, where an exorbitant sum of 11.9 million dollars was reportedly spent, only to find the site overgrown with grass, highlights the gross mismanagement and inefficiency in the allocation of public funds.

NDC Insight remains steadfast in its commitment to exposing corruption and advocating for good governance in Ghana. The organization urges all Ghanaians to consider the consequences of unchecked corruption on the country’s development and to support leaders who prioritize integrity, transparency, and the prudent management of public resources.

As the revelations of financial mismanagement and corruption under the NPP government continue to unfold, a new chapter has been opened with the Auditor General’s report shedding light on concerning developments related to the Agyapa deal. Despite the deal being rejected by Parliament when initially submitted by the NPP government, it has come to light that over 12 million dollars were inexplicably spent in London, as revealed in the public accounts committee hearing.

When pressed for details on the utilization of these funds, the NPP government cited the need for establishing an office in London and seeking a listing on the London Stock Exchange. However, to date, a comprehensive breakdown of the expenditures remains elusive, raising suspicions about the transparency and accountability of these transactions.

NDC Insight is calling on all Ghanaians to support His Excellency John Mahama and his parliamentary candidates in the upcoming elections to enable the launch of an operation to recover lost assets and funds through the “lots agenda.” The organization highlights the urgent need for responsible governance and the retrieval of misappropriated funds for the benefit of the nation.

In another controversial financial venture, the NPP government has reportedly spent a staggering 58.1 million dollars of taxpayers’ money on the National Cathedral project. However, despite the substantial investment, all that stands today is described as the most expensive pit in the world. This stark disparity between the allocated funds and the visible outcomes raises serious questions about the government’s priorities and stewardship of public resources.

NDC Insight asserts that the NPP government’s track record is marred by a pattern of looting and extravagant spending on projects that yield minimal tangible benefits for the Ghanaian people. The organization urges voters to consider the implications of unchecked corruption and financial mismanagement on the country’s development and to support leaders who prioritize accountability, transparency, and the prudent use of public funds.

For media inquiries, please contact:

NDC Insight Communications Team

Dr Anthony Sorkpah
Email: ndcinsight@gmail.com
Phone: +233-59-709-3845


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