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NDC Insight Calls for Investigation into $20 Million dollars that arrived at KIA.

NDC Insight , is calling for an urgent investigation into the recent arrival of $20 million dollars at Kotoka International Airport on the 27th of August 2024. The money, which is purportedly intended for the government of Liberia, arrived on Emirates Airline flight EK787 with Airway Bill number 176-7073-7225 from the United Kingdom.

NDC Insight is a youth project dedicated to providing critical analysis and insights into the political landscape of Ghana. Our mission is to empower Ghanaians with information to make informed decisions that will shape the future of our nation.

Here is the release

NDC Insight Email: ndcinsight@gmail.com059.709.3845

Motto: “Enlightening Ghana: Bridging the Gap Between Policy and People.”—Press ReleaseFor Immediate Release

NDC Insight Calls for Investigation into Alleged Misappropriation of $20 Million dollars that arrived at Kotoka international Airport on the 27th of August 2024 Accra, Ghana NDC Insight , is calling for an urgent investigation into the recent arrival of $20 million dollars at Kotoka International Airport on the 27th of August 2024.

The money, which is purportedly intended for the government of Liberia, arrived on Emirates Airline flight EK787 with Airway Bill number 176-7073-7225 from the United Kingdom.It has come to our attention that there are plans to deposit the $20 million dollars into the Bank of Ghana before transporting it to Liberia on the next available flight.

NDC Insight finds this arrangement highly suspicious and questions why money that belongs to Liberia would be deposited in Ghana before being sent to its rightful destination.

Documents in our possession indicate that there was an order from higher authorities for the swift release of the money and its deposit at the Bank of Ghana. We believe that these funds are stolen and intended to be used for election purposes to influence the upcoming elections.

NDC Insight demands an immediate and thorough investigation into this matter to uncover the truth behind the arrival and intended use of the $20 million dollars. We urge the relevant authorities to look into the actions of NPP officials, including President Nana Addo and Vice President Dr. Bawumia, as well as the Bank of Ghana in this transaction.

NDC Insight strongly condemns the misappropriation of funds with the intention to buy votes, as this is illegal and goes against the principles of democracy. It is imperative that such actions are called out, and individuals engaging in these acts should be prosecuted and brought to justice.

Our elections must be free and fair, and any attempt to manipulate the electoral process through the use of stolen funds is a blatant violation of the trust of the Ghanaian public.

It is a disgrace that a ruling government, which has already disappointed the people of Ghana, is resorting to such desperate measures to influence the outcome of the elections.

When these ill-gotten funds are distributed, NDC Insight encourages everyone to accept the money, but come December 7th at the ballot box, let us all vote for truth, accountability, justice, and development. Let us vote for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and John Dramani Mahama to ensure a better future for Ghana.

We call for transparency and accountability in handling public funds and will not stand by while corruption and illicit activities threaten the democratic process.Together, we can uphold the values of transparency and integrity in our electoral process and stand against corruption and electoral malpractice.

For media inquiries, please contact [Contact Information].###SignedNDC Insight

Dr. Anthony SorkpahEmail: ndcinsight@gmail.comPhone: +233 59.709.3845


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