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NDC Chairman Asiedu Nketiah Challenges Council of State and Peace Council: ‘Live Up to Your Roles at 2024 Campaign Launch

At the NDC 2024 campaign launch, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the National Chairman of the Great NDC, delivered a powerful address urging key national bodies to act decisively and uphold their responsibilities. Speaking to a packed audience, Asiedu Nketiah emphasized the importance of proactive leadership and accountability in maintaining national stability.

“You were appointed to advise the president with the understanding that there will be times when a president might be unyielding or unresponsive to the will of the people,” Asiedu Nketiah stated. “This is exactly why the Council of State was established. It is crucial for you to stand up and be counted now. Act with integrity, or you may find yourselves regretting inaction in just a few months.”

Turning his attention to the National Peace Council, Asiedu Nketiah reinforced the need for the Council to live up to its name. “We did not establish the Peace Council to merely soothe the feelings of those wronged or to favor the oppressor,” he asserted. “Your role is to speak the truth and address issues before they escalate. If you are truly committed to peace, you must be proactive. Do not wait for someone to awaken you when early warning signs appear. Take action, speak out, and ensure that your contributions are recognized by history.”

Asiedu Nketiah also directed a message to the heads of security, particularly the Chief of Defence Staff. “Is the Chief of Defence Staff listening? Whoever is close to him should ensure he hears this message from Johnson Asiedu Nketiah at the NDC 2024 campaign launch,” he concluded.

Asiedu Nketiah’s address highlighted the critical need for active, responsible leadership in safeguarding national peace and security, calling for all involved to take their roles seriously and act with urgency.

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