Members of Ghana’s parliament have lamented over delay in the payment of their salaries.
The situation, according to the Members of Parliament, has brought undue hardship to them and their constituents.
Bringing the issue to the attention of the House on Friday, 1 March 2018, Kumbungu MP, Ras Mubarak, demanded explanation from leadership as to what was causing the delays in recent times.
He said: “Last month [February] Members of Parliament received their salaries quiet late. Some received their salaries as late as 10th of this month. We are currently in a new month and Members of Parliament have still not received salaries. I’ll like to find out from the leader if this will be the norm and whether or not Members of Parliament will be receiveing their salaries very soon.”
MP for Buem, Daniel Kwasi Ashiamah also complained bitterly stating that the situation is extremely worrying and would greatly affect their finances if they are not paid by the end of the day.
“Today is Friday and I am going home to meet my constituents and Tuesday will be 6th March and I have not been paid, I have not been paid, that is the matter…and there is no money in my pocket.”