The mother of Major Maxwell Mahama, Veronica Bamford, has expressed satisfaction with the sentencing of 12 persons involved in the murder of her son.
Addressing journalists after the court proceedings, Madam Veronica Bamford recounted the pains she endured after her son’s murder.
She also expressed appreciation to family and friends who supported her throughout the trying time.
The murder of my son has been determined, and I’m thankful to God for the strength to endure over 6 years of agonizing pain. The twists and turns of events and the associated heartaches are unspeakable. God knows my plight as a mother whose loving son was snatched away from her in such a gory manner and gave me family and friends to commiserate with me,” she cried.
The jury in the Major Mahama case on January 29, 2024, returned a unanimous guilty verdict on 12 out of the 14 persons standing trial for Major Mahama’s death.
Story by Osei Akoto(Teacher Kojo) #Ahotoronline.com