
Media house must strengthen their internal security system very well— Kudjoe Adukpo

It’s time media houses in the country to rise up to the task by putting structures in place, to enhance their internal security system to prevent an act of violence been perpetuated by political thugs during live show programme.
Mr. Adukpo former Eastern regional constituency secretary of the NATIONAL Democratic Congress (NDC) said this on Simpieso political show programme on Ahotor FM 93.2.
He is of the view that, there is a need for state institution to be up and doing to create enabling environment for the citizens to carry out their day to day business with ease.
Director of operations ADAM GH Mr. Ibrahim Mumuni stated emphatically that, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) came to power at the back of violence, insults and all kinds of political vigilantism.
He opined that, it’s very unfortunate and bizarre to see reemerging of political thug ring still happening in our political culture.
He raises concerns where this undemocratic culture from political vigilante groups which was frown up on in the past and it behooves on all us to fight hard and discourage this undemocratic culture that has taken place over the weekend at UTV live studio discussion programme.
The lawlessness from the political leadership, backing these party thugs fighting state and private institutions must be frown upon and should be checked going into 2024 elections.
Story by : AYM Kukah

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