
Some Mathematics teachers in Ghana do not understand Mathematics: Professor Anku

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A professor of Mathematics and the President of the Ghana Mathematics society has attributed the mass student failures in mathematics in Ghana to mathematics teachers who are ignorant about the subject.
‘Mathematics is interesting, practical and relevant to everyday situation. ‘ He said. Yet it has become a nightmare and a scarecrow for most students  simply because those who introduced the subject to them only inflicted their own ignorance on them.
In his view,  we must address the motivation of teachers in the training colleges since most of them took to teaching only because they could not succeed with other career as their grades were bad.
He also questioned the contents of the teaching materials for teachers at the their training institutions as those contents have not considered the practical side of the subject and therefore rendering it boring to those who are thought it.
The professor of mathematics was speaking on ‘Heroes of our Time’ , the prestigious radio Mentorship program hosted by Akyena Brantuo on Ahotor 92.3 on Wednesday 15th February 2017.





Daniel Koranteng Kwagyiri||Ghana

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