Atta Kofi Anane a 96 year old Togolese who was abandoned by his family and waiting to die at Tema was miraculously ‘saved’ by Mrs. Gladys Asare who is the founder of Steph’s Herbal Clinic and Medical Laboratory, (A medical center that offer treatment for all diagnoses ailments with natural herbs) and Gladys Asare Foundation (A Non-Governmental Organization) all located at Tema Community 4.
This foundation has its sole mission of changing lives of orphans, physically challenged and the aged in our society. As an organization that has transformed lives of many saw it as a call to duty when they first met Mr. Anane who was left by family and friends to die.
The 96 year old man’s sad story began after he left his home town Tsievi Ahavi in Togo to look for greener pastures in the country. After several years of toil in the western, Ashanti and greater Accra regions, he decided to depend on well wishers and benevolent for his daily upkeep and survival.
He was then left desolated and abandoned by all and slept on the streets of Tema. This sad incident was brought to the attention of the interior minister, Hon. Ambrose Derry who then directed for Mr. Anane to be taken to the Tema social welfare.
Unfortunately Mr. Anane who is a vision impaired and stricken with several diseases because of the harsh treatment he had at the mercy of the weather and poor hygienic conditions needed an extra care from a medical center.
The social welfare then decided to give him treatment from their medical section but he needed extra care. This was then brought to the attention of the Gladys Asare foundation and a swift response was initiated.
The foundation took all the medical expenses of the man and assigned a personnel from their outfit to attend to him anytime the need be.
After a couple of weeks the condition of ‘old Anane’ deteriorated and there was the need for immediate and intense care for him.
The Gladys Asare foundation seeing as a call to duty discussed with the social welfare for an immediate transfer from the social welfare home to the NGO’s home for the aged in Tema. Necessary transfer documents were given to the foundation by the directorate of the Social Welfare.
Mrs. Gladys Asare decided to take full responsibility of him and gave him the necessary medical and physical needs. Months after his transfer to the home, he gained maximum recovery and narrated the entire ordeal he had face for over 42 years after his migration into the country.
He told the foundation his sad stories and wished that he was sent to his extended family at Tsievi Ahavi in Togo.
The foundation satisfying the wish of ‘old Anane’ took the matter up and spoke to the Togolese embassy to help with his repatriation to his home town as he wished for. The Embassy did all that they could to help the foundation with ‘old Anane’s return to his village.
Mrs. Gladys Asare with the help of benevolent people and partners took the matter up and provided all the necessary items that will be needed by the aged man as he moves back home.
In April, they drove to Togo and miraculously identified ‘old Anane’s’ family.
It was all excitement as he arrived to the town and was warmly accepted and embraced by the family and other community members.
The foundation seized the opportunity and preached Christ to the numerous people that had gathered to see this old man after years of disappearance.