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Lands Commission commiserate with La Traditional Area as it sends Nii KpoboTettey Tsuru III home

A delegation from the Lands Commission paid their last respect at the funeral of the Paramount Chief of the La Traditional Area, Nii KpoboTettey Tsuru III last Friday.

The delegation, led by the Chairman of the Commission, Alex Quaynor commiserated with the bereaved family and members of the La Traditional Council.

He was accompanied by Acting Executive Secretary of Lands Commission, James Dadson; Deputy Executive Secretary in charge of Corporate Services, Jones Ofori-Boadu; Chairperson of the Greater Accra Lands Commission, Yvonne Sowah; Chairman of Eastern Regional Lands Commission, K.D Osei, Technical Director at the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Maxwell Adu Nsafoa.

The team was later joined by the Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Benito Owusu-Bio.

The Commission made a cash donation in addition to boxes of mineral water and drinks to the La Traditional Council in support of the funeral.

Chairman of Lands Ccommission, Mr Quaynor expressed the management of the commission’s deepest condolences to the people of La traditional area.

He described the late chief as a man of peace, love, and integrity. He said his demise is a big blow to the people of La and the nation at large.

Enstooled in 1988, Nii Tsuru III was regarded as one of the longest serving paramount chiefs of the La State until his demise on February 24, 2019.

As one of the longest-serving traditional leaders in the Greater Accra Region, he was a familiar face at most public and state functions.

He was buried in the early hours of Saturday, March 19, 2022, after elaborate traditional burial rites which started on March 7.

The final farewell ceremony was characterised by a display of tradition and culture as the people of La celebrated the man who for 30 years was their overlord and one of the longest-serving chiefs.

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