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Kpone Residents Cry Out: Abandoned Tema-Aflao Road Sparks Furious Demonstrations

The air in Kpone is thick with more than just dust—it’s filled with the impassioned cries of residents fed up with the dire state of the Tema-Aflao road.

For four long years, the road has been left to rot, and the people of Kpone have had enough.

“We can’t take it anymore!” shouted one resident.

The crumbling road has turned into a grueling endurance test.

“Students, workers, and travelers alike face endless delays, their lives disrupted by a situation that should have been resolved years ago. The constant traffic is a nightmare, and during the rainy season, the road becomes a perilous quagmire”. A demonstrator said.

Health concerns are skyrocketing, too. “The dust is killing us!” residents lamented, their voices echoing through the streets. Respiratory issues are on the rise, and the community is pleading for relief.

In a unified outcry, Kpone’s citizens are appealing directly to the Ministry of Roads and Highways and its head, Mr. Francis Asenso-Boakye.

“Bring the contractors back! Finish the job you started!” they demand, pointing to the halted Phase 1 of the 17-km Tema-Aflao Road project.

Originally set to be completed by December 2023, the project promised a three-lane dual carriageway, two-lane service roads, interchanges, drainage systems, pedestrian facilities, and high mast lighting—all vital upgrades now left in limbo.

The construction, managed by BHM Construction International (UK) LTD, started in June 2022 and showed promise. But now, the residents of Kpone see no progress, only neglect.

Kpone-Katamanso, a coastal area in the Greater Accra Region, lies forgotten by the very authorities meant to ensure its development.

With boundaries stretching to Tema in the west and Dangme West in the east, this community is united in their desperation and determination.

The message is clear: the people of Kpone will not be silenced until their road, their lifeline, is restored.

Linda Yeboah/ Ahotoronline .com

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