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John Mahama Warns of Declining Trust in Democracy, Calls for Urgent Reforms in Africa

John Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and former President of Ghana, expressed deep concerns about the state of democracy in Africa, with a specific focus on Ghana. During his keynote address at the Nigerian Bar Association’s annual conference in Lagos, Mahama underscored the urgency of the situation, highlighting the declining faith that citizens have in their democratic institutions.

He cited recent data that paints a worrying picture of public trust eroding in the governance systems across the continent. Mahama pointed out that the increasing disillusionment stems from issues like corruption, lack of accountability, electoral malpractices, and the perceived inability of governments to address economic hardships faced by the populace.

The former Ghanaian president emphasized that the disillusionment with democratic governance could pave the way for authoritarian regimes and military interventions, a scenario that Africa has unfortunately experienced before.

He called for African leaders to take immediate action to strengthen democratic institutions, ensure fair and transparent elections, and foster economic policies that promote development and reduce inequality.

Mahama further stressed the role of civil society, the media, and the judiciary in holding leaders accountable and safeguarding democratic principles. He urged these institutions to remain vigilant and active in their roles as watchdogs of democracy. By restoring faith in governance through transparency, integrity, and responsiveness to the needs of the people, Mahama believes that hope can be rekindled, ensuring a future where democracy thrives across the African continent.

His speech at the conference served as a call to action, not just for Ghana, but for all African nations to reaffirm their commitment to democratic values and work towards creating societies where the voices of the people are heard and respected.


Story by: Osei Akoto (Teacher Kojo)

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