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John Mahama Promises to Stop the Restriction on Artisanal Fishermen, Focusing on Regulating Large Fishing Vessels Instead

During an energetic gathering at Bukom Arena, ex-President and NDC leader John Dramani Mahama gave a firm promise to local fishermen, vowing to end the disputed closed season policy if he wins the election. Mahama made this promise in reaction to the increasing dissatisfaction among small-scale fishermen, who believe they are unfairly impacted by rules designed to safeguard Ghana’s ocean resources.

Speaking to a packed audience, Mahama announced, “The present rules treat our artisanal fishermen, who are vital to our seaside towns, very harshly. Once we are in power, we won’t have a fishing ban for you. We won’t let this unfairness go on.”

Mahama identified the actual cause of the problem—industrial trawlers and big fishing boats that work without considering the health of the ocean. “These trawlers are the ones causing a lot of harm to our oceans, moving into the shallow areas where fish reproduce and grow well. It’s not the artisanal fishermen with their little boats and outboard engines who are causing the problem,” he stressed.

Mahama also criticized the practice of some fishing boats unloading their fish in other countries’ ports, which means Ghanaians are missing out on the benefits from their own waters. “Our people should not suffer while others profit from our resources. Under my leadership, we will make sure that our fishermen and our people are given priority.”

The audience clapped in response, clearly agreeing with Mahama’s message about fairness and protecting the livelihoods of Ghana’s artisanal fishermen.

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