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January allowance for NSS personnel paid

The National Service Secretariat (NSS) has announced the release of the January allowance for all National Service Personnel.

This was contained in a statement signed by the National Financial Secretary for the National Service Personnel Association (NASPA), Prince Abada.

In the statement, he extended warm greetings to personnel and entreated them to visit their banks with their e-zwich cards to confirm their payment.

“The Executive Board affectionately extends its warm greetings and wishes to inform you that the allowance for January has been paid. Kindly get your e-zwich card and visit your banks or agents,” the statement said.

“Your dashboard can show processing while you have been paid. You ought to go to the bank to confirm payment,” it added.

This is in fulfilment of their promise to pay personnel by midweek.

Over the last couple of days, scores of personnel have taken to social media to lament the delay in the disbursement of their monthly allowance.

The personnel said the delay in the payment of their allowance has made life difficult for them; especially in the wake of the recent economic hardship.

Director for Corporate Affairs at the NSS, Armstrong Esaah denied assertions that they owe personnel three months arrears in allowance. He, however, assured personnel that the January allowance would be paid by Wednesday.

Confirming the payment, Mr Armstrong in a statement released on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, said: “all national service personnel who have filled, endorsed and duly submitted their assessment forms for the month of January 2022, at the various NSS District Offices can access their allowances via E-Zwich at their preferred banks across the country.”

He added that “management understands the plights of personnel regarding the delay in the payment of their allowances and assures them steps are far advanced to clear the February 2022 arrears in the shortest possible time.”

“We sincerely regret the delay in the payment of the allowances and highly commend personnel for their continued commitment to duty,” he said.

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