Incumbent NPC President Samson Deen Declares Candidacy for National Paralympic Committee Presidency
The incumbent President of the National Paralympic Committee (NPC), Mr. Samson Deen has declared his intention to contest for the presidency in the upcoming NPC elections slated for October.

In an exclusive interview over the weekend during NPC Extraordinary General Assembly , Mr Samson Deen emphasized that under his leadership, the NPC has seen remarkable growth and achievements, both on the national and international stages. He spearheaded initiatives aimed at enhancing the inclusivity of para-sports, ensuring equal opportunities for athletes of all abilities, and advocating for the rights and welfare of para-athletes.
With his decision to seek re-election, Mr Samson Deen aims to build upon the progress made during his tenure and further elevate the NPC’s stature in the global para-sports arena. He envisions a future where para-athletes are celebrated for their remarkable abilities and where the NPC continues to be a beacon of excellence and inclusivity.

Mr Samson Deen, who has been at the helm of the NPC for the past six years since 2019, expressed his unwavering commitment to the advancement of para-sports and the empowerment of athletes with disabilities. With his track record of leadership and advocacy, he emerges as a formidable candidate, poised to lead the NPC to new heights of success and impact in the years to come.
Incumbent President of the National Paralympics Committee Samson Deen, was elected as the head of the Africa Paralympics committee at the General Assembly in Rabat, Morocco , where he polled 24 of the total votes cast beating Morocco’s Hamid El Aouni who polled 15 votes . The total of 41 delegates (38 in person and 3 voting online) comprised of Presidents and General Secretaries of National Paralympics committees on the continent with 9 position contested for.
listen to the audio of Samson Deen :
Story by : George Opoku Boateng. . Ahotor FM . X- Prekese GH