The Managing Director of the Ghana Airport Company Limited (GACL), Mr Yaw Kwakwa has said he is unaware of the purported termination of his appointment by the President
“I don’t know what you are talking about, my appointment has not been terminated. I don’t know about it but when I get to that bridge I will cross it,” he told TV3’s Komla Kluste in an interview while conducting members of the Roads and Transport Committee around on a fact finding mission of the Macdan;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==
Announcing the termination of the appointment, the Transport Minister Kwaku Ofori Asiamah in a letter said “His Excellency the President, per letter No. 0P S127/22/104, dated 31st January 2022, has directed the appointment of Mr Yaw Kwakwa as Managing Director of the Ghana Airport’s Company Limited be terminated,”
It is however unclear the reasons behind the termination of his appointment.
This comes at a time the GACL had earlier ordered McDan Aviation to suspend the use of the KIA Terminal 1 until further notice.
“We refer to our earlier discussions and subsequent directive to suspend the inauguration of the private jet terminal at the Kotoka International Airport until all necessary operational requirements and obligations are met.
“We note with concern your failure to comply with the directive despite the outstanding issues on the prior terms and conditions for the use and operations of Terminal 1 as a private Jet Terminal.
“Management has subsequently directed the suspension of your use of Terminal 1 until further notice,” a statement signed by the Managing Director of the GACL Yaw Kwakwa said.
The GACL later granted Mac Dan the permit to operationalize the Private Jet at the Terminal 1 at the KIA.
A letter signed by Mr Kwakwa said “With Reference to our earlier letter referenced GACL/MD/FHS20/1/22on the above subject we wish to inform you that the GACL has delegated the Terminal 1 to MacDan aviation for private jet operations.”
Source : 3News.