
“Highlife is Ghana and Ghana is Highlife.”- Aka Blay

Veteran Ghanaian highlife singer and exceptional guitarist, Aka Blay, emphasized that “Highlife is Ghana and Ghana is Highlife.”

In an interview with Obaapa Janee on Ahotor FM, Accra, on Friday, June 14, 2024, he expressed that Highlife encompasses more than just music. It represents the essence of Ghana, encapsulating our stories, and traditions, and connecting generations.

He firmly believes that Highlife and Ghana are inseparable. Aka Blay has made significant contributions to the Highlife genre. Notably, in 2016, he released “We Taking the Girls Away,” featuring rapper Cabum. The song gained widespread popularity and remains a favourite among Ghanaians.

Highlife music originated in the early 20th century, blending traditional Ghanaian rhythms with Western instruments. It served as a medium for expressing our emotions, aspirations, and culture.

Aka Blay emphasized that the melodies of Highlife embody our cultural soul, the lyrics narrate our history, and the rhythm vibrates with the heartbeat of our people.

He firmly believes that Highlife music is an integral part of our identity. Aka Blay’s expressive words vividly illustrate that Highlife exceeds being merely a genre; it is a vibrant and integral part of our nation Ghana.

He emphasized that as long as Highlife exists, so will Ghana, and vice versa. Highlife is not just a musical genre; it is the timeless soul of Ghana, immortalized in the captivating melodies crafted by Aka Blay and his contemporaries.

He advocates for the Ghanaian musical awards to prioritize highlife music when awarding the artist of the year, instead of consistently favoring other genres that do not truly represent our identity.

Aka Blay originally played the drums but later transitioned to the guitar, where he found his true musical calling. He began playing the guitar earnestly in 1987 and was associated with Jewel Ackah from 1988 to 1991. Subsequently, he was part of the Western Diamonds Band from 1991 to 2002.

Story by Obaapa Janee/ahotoronline.com

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