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Government has not been truthful about the power situation – Abraham Koomson

Secretary General of the Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL), Abraham Koomson, attributed the recent power outages to a lack of funds.

According to Mr. Koomson, both the government and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) have not been transparent with Ghanaians about the true state of the power crisis.

He pointed out that the announcement of a three-week load shedding period by GRIDCo and the ECG highlights the government’s lack of critical thinkers who can devise a proper timetable for managing power cuts.

In response to the growing gas supply issues from Nigeria, the Ghana Grid Company Limited (GRIDCo) and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) announced a three-week load management plan.

This measure is meant to mitigate potential power supply disruptions due to significant maintenance activities by a Nigerian gas supplier, the West Africa Gas Pipeline.

Speaking on Ahotor FM‘s ‘Yepe Ahunu‘ with host Nana Dogbe, Mr. Koomson expressed his belief that the government has not been truthful about the power situation, stating that the real issue is the lack of funds needed to operate power generators.

Despite business owners, who depend on electricity for their operations, repeatedly calling for a clear load-shedding timetable, the ECG has been reluctant to respond.

Mr. Koomson criticized the ECG’s refusal to issue a load shedding timetable, attributing it to the government’s inability to find competent individuals to create such a plan.

He argued that effective leadership requires knowledgeable and capable people, and suggested that the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has failed in this regard.

He urged the government to seek advice from experienced and knowledgeable individuals to better manage the country’s affairs.


Story by: Emmanuel Romeo Tetteh (#RomeoWrites) /

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