General News

Ghana Under Partial Lockdown

These days traffic appears to flow smoothly even during the traditional rush hour periods. There also appears to be fewer people in town, no wonder because of the restricted movements announced by government.

There however appears to be a section of our society that appears to be outside the radar in terms of having stocked up on food and other essentials. This is the section of society that folks are wondering how they will survive.

Some have applauded the government’s decision to give Kayayei GHC 10 daily for their sustenance while others have opined that there are other citizens who may not be kayayei but will equally need government support to pass through these turbulent times.

This brings to question the mode of reaching all these persons who will require assistance. In my view, this can be done through the various trade associations in the informal sector, then our clans in our villages and towns since everyone has a family home and then all these are augmented by the churches and mosques who will have data on all their members.

I am fully convinced that handing out social welfare support for our countrymen shouldn’t be rocket science. Let’s have the cash from the Finance Ministry and ensure our people survive the restricted movement.

Finally we may have to brace ourselves for another fortnight to effectively control the spread from the current 204 cases and 5 deaths.

God help us all.

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