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“Galamsey is Personal” – Prof. Kwadwo Appiagye Atua Writes

“Glamastate” aka
“Galamstate” coined by Prof. Kwadwo Appiagye Atua is the Foundation of the “Galamsey is Personal” Hashtag Initiative

With organized labor in Ghana planning a national general strike on October 10, 2024, the need to address the environmental crisis caused by illegal mining (galamsey) is more pressing than ever.

The “Glamastate” aka
“Galamstate” initiative is the foundation of our campaign, underscoring that the fight against galamsey is personal for every Ghanaian.

Our vision is to unite Ghanaians and supporters to create personal hashtags, demonstrating to the Government of Ghana the number of people who care deeply about this issue. This initiative aims not only to raise awareness about the critical environmental dangers but also to show that citizens understand the severity of the damage caused to Ghana’s water bodies and natural resources.

We are calling on the Government of Ghana to declare a State of Emergency on Gold Mining. This decisive action is necessary to protect our nation’s survival, public safety, and security as illegal mining continues to harm our water, soil, and environment.

We also encourage every Ghanaian to craft a two-part slogan: one that highlights the dangers we face if no action is taken and the positive outcomes that could be achieved through intervention. So far, we’ve received 142 submissions, and we look forward to hearing from more of you!

  1. Toxic rivers, Bleeding Gold
  2. Poison Gold, Killer Gold
  3. Sorrowful Gold, Undrinkable Water
  4. Poison Water, Blood Gold
  5. Ghana’s Blood Gold?
  6. Greed is killing us
  7. Is this worth it?
  8. Toxic rivers, Guilty Gold
  9. Ghana the Murderland
  10. Ghana’s Bleeding Gold🩸
  11. Ghana choose minerals and wealth or funerals and deaths
  12. Topic waters, Bleeding Gold
  13. Gold Greed Murders Nation!
  14. Gold Greed Murders Ghana
  15. toxic rivers, guilty gold, Ghana the murdaland
  16. Galamsayandclimate
  17. Savethefishstopgalamsay
  18. Save the fish
  19. StopGalamsay
  20. Lifeorgold
  21. GhanaenemytoSDG
  22. Poison water, is the Gold worth it?
  23. Greedgoldtoxicrivers
  24. Galamsey kills
  25. Kill galamseynow
  26. Stop the poison
  27. ill gotten wealth stinks
  28. Sink the traitor, now
  29. We live to survive it
  30. Toxic Rivers Bleeding Gold
  31. Poison Gold Killer Water
  32. Sorrowful Gold Undrinkable Water
  33. Blood Gold Poison Water
  34. Ghana’s Blood Gold
  35. Greed Is Killing Us
  36. Is This Worth It Ghana
  37. Toxic Rivers, Guilty Gold
  38. Save Ghana From Blood Gold
  39. A dying nation by our own action’s, and inactions
  40. Death or Gold? It’s a choice to make as a nation
  41. What is Gold without life?
  42. Who sold Ghana and did not collect the price”, we are sold for free
  43. Nanapresidentofgalamsay
  44. ImpreachNanaufailedGH
  45. ghana’sgoldBlessingorCurse
  46. stopgalamseyLordsSaveGhanaNow
  47. God’s Gold must not destroy God’s creatures.
  48. Give us clean water or give us death
  49. #DyingofMining
  50. Gold, the killer of our time
  51. EndillegalMiningNow
  52. LiveBiggerThanGold
  53. protectourland4ourchildren
  54. Goldbuthungrycommunities
  55. GoldbutThirstyCommunities
  56. FoodNotGold
  57. LifeNotGold
  58. Our ancestors fought for our land
  59. Let us fight for our environment
  60. Mother Earth is bleeding in our hands
  61. Our waters are bleeding


  1. GoldOverLife
  2. DyingForGold
  3. #NoWaterNoFuture












  1. WaterNotGold
  2. #GoldStealingOurFuture


  1. GoldAtWhatCost
  2. GhanaNeedsCleanWater
  3. SaveOurRiversSaveOurLives
  4. GoldPoisoningOurLand
  5. MiningDestroysGhana
  6. GhanaSuffersFromGoldGreed
  7. GoldOrLifeChoose
  8. GoldIsOurPoison
  9. ExploitWater4GoldNow, DeficitTomorrow’sNaturalResources4ever
  10. #OurRiversNeedTheirPride&BeautyBack


  1. Greed4GoldNow,#Bleed4PotableWaterTomorrow
  2. Water4GoldNow
  3. Gold4PotableWaterTomorrow
  4. ExploittheWatersNow,DepletetheWatersForever
  5. Dead land, Dead Future
  6. StopGalamsayNow
  7. StopGold, Love Nature
  8. GhanaNeedStateOfEmergencyNow
  9. SayNoToGalamsey
  10. SaveOurWaterBodiesNow
  11. SaveOurGenerationsNowFromGalamsey
  12. ThinkGhanaFirstNotGalamsey
  13. WeHaveNoFutureWithGalamsey-Ghana
  14. AkufoAddo’sGovernmentIsEmptyHistory
  15. YourPresidencyIsOnTheLine-NanaAddo
  16. Bleeding Water Bodies
  17. GoldMenaceGH
  18. #Jema says , No Galamsey

109.# Jema says , No to Community Mining

  1. BrownWateristheNew Gold
  2. Let’s stop the senseless dirty, gold mining to save lives
  3. Choose Nature, save lives
  4. OurLandOurLife
  5. Saveourforest
  6. saveGhanawaterandenvironment
  7. Saveourwaterand forestnow
  8. Thirst4GoldNowThirsty4waterEternally
  9. Ghana’s Blood Gold and Poison Water 💧 The Mark of The Beast 👿. Your Choice 🙏🏿
  10. Waterforlife_GoldforGrave
  11. ToxicWater_APosionedNation
  12. #GoldRush_ANationalNightmare


  1. RedeemYourPresidency
  2. GoldforFools….stop illegal Mining, Save Lives
  3. SayNoToGalamsey
  4. “Ignore the risk, lose it all. Act now, build a better tomorrow.”
  5. GoldPoisoningOurFuture
  6. Ghana, land of our death
  7. SaveLives,StopGalamseyNow
  8. GalamseyIsAGravryardForTheLivingBeing
  9. Galamsey:”Ghana Amanehunu”. (Galamsey: The woes of Ghana.)
  10. Sika Anibre s3e )man (Greed for money destroys nations)
  11. Gyaegallamsey!
  12. ShunGalamsey! SaveLife!
  13. GalamseyAThreatToOurSurvival
  14. StopGalamseyAndSaveOurLives
  15. PoisonWaters4Livelihood, PotableWaters4Livelihood 138.HideousRivers, #TheBeautyofGHLandscapeRestored
  16. Poisoned wealth, endangered species
  17. Let’s kill galamsey because galamsey kills
  18. Save our rivers to save our lives
  19. # We can’t drink or eat gold🤲🏿
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