General NewsNews

Farmers bemoan lack of resources to buy fertilizers, plough and acquire farm inputs

Farmers at Anum in the Eastern Region have expressed worry over lack of resources and farm inputs to enhance their farming activities.

The lack of resources have affected the farmers ability to hire labor, buy fertilizers and farm inputs which is affecting their ability to cultivate large acres of farmlands and reap maximum yields.

The farmers who largely cultivate maize, cassava and plantain, lament to Ahotor fm news reporter Eric Nyarko that, the situation continues to result in very low yield and income levels, adding that they don’t receive any support from the government.

According to them, their condition is disturbing and appealed to the government to help them with the needed resources as they contribute greatly to the food basket of the country and therefore poor harvest will affect food prices.

Nana Okogyeaman Kwasi Anyani Anum Adontehene Acting President of Anum Traditional council also appealed to the government to come to their aid immediately to help them with spraying machine and some other farm equipment that will help them in farming.

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