Election NewsPolitics

Election 2024: Accra Will Decide Ghana’s Next President – Ga Mantse

Ga Mantse, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II says the Greater Accra region will be the decider in the upcoming December 7 presidential election. 

During a visit, the King told the delegation of the New Force Movement led by its leader Nana Kwame Bediako. 

“This year’s election, Accra will decide, Accra will decide and I want to say that it is the most important election in the whole of the 4th Republic, but we need to understand that we are Ghanaians and we need to know that we must restrain ourselves from being used to hurt each other,”  King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II said.

He also called for peace before, during and after the election after encouraging citizens to participate actively in the electoral process, to ensure that their voices are heard and their votes count.

Story by: Richard Nana Appiah Kubi/Ahotoronline.com

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