The mighty tree was first just a seed and so was the castle at it’s foundation started with a brick. Nothing can be more truer than how these statements captures the very humble beginning and present successes of the CEO of Projects Bureau Ghana Limited, Mr Habakkuk Amakye Otabil.
Unlike many of his compatriot successful entrepreneurs, he did not start life with a silver spoon in his mouth. His advantage was a responsible Father who taught him that the secret to success was God, integrity and kindness.
With these values, Mr. Amakye has watered the small seed of entrepreneurial spirit, which started with hawking toilet roll in the streets as a boy and this has matured into today’s multifaceted Projects Bureau company, which boast of construction works, project management, property management, Real estates etc.
Indeed, it was the God factor, and the principles of integrity and kindness which kept him going when His office was inside his car and he had no capital. These endeared him to benevolent hearts who came to his rescue.
This successful life story was revealed on Ahotor Fm’s Heroes of Our Time on Wednesday 22nd February 2017 with show host Akyena Brantuo.
Reaching out to those now starting life and those struggling with it, he urged them not to despise their small beginnings as they make great endings.
He recounted how as a little boy his family kept moving from one compound house to another and even had to put up in uncompleted buildings at a point when the going was tough. This was because his father’s income as a second hand cloths dealer and his mother’s trade as yam hawker could not afford a better accommodation. Indeed as he puts it ‘ it was much later in life that television became a part of their family experience.’
Asked how the future looks, the 29 year old believe he has just started and he is looking forward to adding Fashion Bureau and Foods Bureau to his empire when he goes into fashion and agriculture very soon.
Daniel Koranteng Kwagyiri|ahotoronline.com|Ghana