Whilst we are most incline to publicly display other sides of our lives, education, career, politics, friendships, heroes etc, why do we therefore consider the greatest side to us as private, I mean our relationship with our God? Especially when that is the secret to our success in every other department of our same life?
Fortunately our God is not wretched because He helped us. He is all sufficiency. It is rather our inferiority complex which makes us feel we should please the people who either does not love our God or know him. It is time to make a decision to put our money where our mouth is.
Remember where you were, remember who you really are and understand that none of the people and things we spending all of our time pleasing and glorifying were not there for us when the world hurt and forgot about us. Remember it was the lord and it is the lord who has made you.
If you have 24 hours in a day, four social media accounts, 10 friends, $1000, etc, what percentage of it are you using to glorify and bless God?
As for me I wish I had more, like two mouths, oh Jesus!, they would have all made music to your glorious name and deeds in my life. The gift of life alone is just enough.
Akyena Brantuo Benjamin|ahotoronline.com|Ghana